GOOD FRIDAY: AMAZING GRACE A 10 Minute devotion A PRAYER 1 minute Dear Father, We remember today, the pain and suffering of the cross, and
GOOD FRIDAY: AMAZING GRACE A 10 Minute devotion A PRAYER 1 minute Dear Father, We remember today, the pain and suffering of the cross, and
Seven Covenant Prayers for Revival and Spiritual Awakening (Taken from a resource by Greg Frizzell) Pray for God to have mercy upon the church and
Prayers for Spiritual Awakening (Taken from a resource by Greg Frizzell) Holy Father, we humble ourselves and acknowledge Your righteous Judgment upon our sins. (2
Selected Bible Passages relating to Revival and Spiritual Awakening (Taken from a resource by J. Chris Schofield) 2 Chronicles 7:14 (HCSB): “and My people who are
A Call to Prayer for Moral & Spiritual Awakening Suggested Order of Service Celebration (15 minutes) Worship God through Song (Hymns and Choruses that focus
Genesis 18-25 You have seen hams before . . . those people who are always playing practical jokes. What can you learn from a “ham”?
Exodus 33:7-23 I. Communication is key to any relationship. (Exodus 33:11) II. Moses is free to make requests to God because he has found favor
Luke 5:15-16 Quiet Time is a specific time of the day set aside for the purpose of fellowshipping with God. Christianity is a love relationship.
Philippians 4:6-7 When the news first came that Pearl Harbor had been bombed [World Trade Center had been destroyed], what did you feel? I know
Matthew 14:22-32 Introduction: Sin has begun to dominate our society. We as Christians are allowing it to dominate us as well. We are becoming callused