In talking with many members of our fellowship recently, it seems that the economy and how our government is handling it is on the minds of many. With stimulus bailouts, cash for clunkers, and potential healthcare bills floating around, this is the talk around the water cooler, at the dinner table, and in the grocery store.
One of the complaints I hear most often is that the government, at nearly every level, seems to have forgotten that they don’t have any money. The money they seem to so freely spend actually belongs to the us the people. And yet many have told me that, in their opinion, the government seems to have forgotten whose money it is. Instead of spending it in consonance with the wishes of the people, it is being spent as though the government had some right to it. Irrespective of where you stand on the political scale, to the left or to the right, no doubt, you have or have had issues with how the government spends your money.
- The Stewardship of Life - February 17, 2014
- Four Essentials of Worship - February 17, 2014
- Prepare to Meet Your God - February 17, 2014