Living In Awe of God
Originally written by Duane Garrett, edited and compiled by Teman Knight PowerPoint Presentation to download here. Studies in Exodus: Winter Bible Study 2009 Background Information for Exodus Title English title from LXX – εξoδoς (εκ oδoς) – meaning “way out,” “going out,” or “departure probably based on 19:1 Hebrew title – “And these are the names” […]
God Sees, Hears, and Understands
Luke 1:5-17 I. God Sees and understands your sufferings, (Luke 1:5). In the time of King Herod . . . this was a dark time for God’s children. Herod is one who is called “the Great” because he built some magnificent buildings. He is responsible for rebuilding the temple, but also polluted the land with […]
Encountering God
Exodus 3:1-10 I. Turn Aside (1-3). How often in our busy lives does God try to get our attention and we don’t even notice? God’s call to a task can come to us at any time. This is why it is so important that we have a quiet time each day when we can listen to God. We need […]