A Study of 1 Thessalonians
1 Thessalonians I. Thessalonica A. History 1) Cassander, a former general of Alexander the Great and later king of Macedonia, founded the city in 315 BC and named it after his wife, the half sister of Alexander. 2) 167 BC it was captured by the Romans and named the capital of one of their four […]
How Do You Know You’re Saved?
1 John 5:13 “Were written that you might know you have eternal life” 1st test: l John 1:3 “You have fellowship or relationship with the Father.” 2nd test: l John 1:6-10 “You will not walk in darkness,” and you have fellowship with one another. 3rd test: l John 2:3-6 “Obey God’s commands.” 4th test: l John 2:9-11 “Has love for […]