Welcome to the new PreachingPoint.org website. We hope that you find this site to be a useful resource in preparing your weekly messages. Here are a few new features we believe you’ll find helpful:
Sermons are now organized and searchable by several different methods including by topic, verse, calendar or contributor. You’ll also notice the tabs where you can access sermon illustrations and book reviews. Another new feature is the opportunity to submit your own sermons and materials for possible inclusion on the site to aid your fellow pastors. In addition, the new site design is responsive to whatever device you’re using. No matter what kind of display, portable device or phone you have, the site will adapt to fit it.
As special topics and new resources are made available this blog will be updated, so please return to it often. Again, thank you for checking out the new PreachingPoint.org!
Brian Harris
State Missionary, Web and Social Media Strategist
Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions
- Jesus is Watching You - February 17, 2014
- Why Are We Here? - February 17, 2014
- Looking Good in Filthy Rags - February 17, 2014