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How to Have a Meaningful Quiet Time

Luke 5:15-16

Quiet Time is a specific time of the day set aside for the purpose of fellowshipping with God. Christianity is a love relationship. You cannot love God unless you know Him. And, you cannot know Him unless you spend time with Him.I am not an expert on Quiet Time. I still am learning and growing. What I will be teaching this morning is not my own. Some I learned from my mother who taught me how to have a better quiet time about 25 years ago. I also have been impacted by Billie Hanks. Adrian Rodgers preached an excellent sermon on this subject.

1) Why have a Quiet Time?

a.    Because God desires it, (1 Corinthians 1:9).
God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.b.    Because Christ modeled it, (Mark 1:35).
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

c.    Because we need it, (Matthew 4:4).
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'”

2) Having a meaningful Quiet Time.

i) Prioritize it.
We do what we prioritize to do. Do not be legalistic. The Quiet Time does not earn the favor of God. It does not save you. It does not make you more special. Therefore, if you miss a Quiet Time it is okay. You start the next day, “missing a meal.”ii) Set aside a place.
Jesus said when you pray enter your prayer closet. He was not meaning a clothes closet. He was meaning a place where you can be alone to shut the door on the distractions of life and open the door of heaven. Jesus got away in the wilderness, the mountain, and the garden. I have a chair in my house that is both Tonya and my place.

iii) Set aside a time.
Jesus got away and prayed. It is present tense and active voice. Jesus got away and would continue to get away. Jesus needed time away. When did He get away? Early in the morning. It is best to start the day with the Lord. Don’t give God the leftovers! “In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation, (Psalm 5:3).

Does an orchestra begin without first tuning up?Does a runner run without first stretching?

Does a pilot fly without first going through all the checks?

You may end it with Him as well.

Billie Hanks once said, “if I have you either begin the day asking for guidance or end the day asking for forgiveness.”

iv) Prepare yourself.
-Make sure you are physically alert when you are having the Quiet Time. Adrian Rodgers used to get up, shave, have breakfast and then have His Quiet Time. Billie Hanks used to get up and splash Mennin Skin Bracer on him. He said that would definitely wake him up. One Korean friend of Billie’s would get up and then take a five-minute ice-cold shower.-Make sure you are mentally alert. “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ,” (KJV 1 Peter 1:13) Minds want to wander. Therefore, a key is to focus upon what you are reading and praying. Come with anticipation.

-Make sure you are clean. “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened,” (Psalm 66:18).

3) What do I need?

-Good Study Bible that is readable. If you cannot understand the translation, then you will not be touched as much by the Word of God. There is nothing wrong with marking in your Bible.-Have a loose leaf journal or I use the computer now to write down what God is teaching me.

-Prayer list. Most urgent prayers. Day I began to pray for them and the date God answered them. Then, I divide my prayers into Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and so forth. Daily prayer requests. . . family and so forth.

-List of assignments for the day so that you might pray over them.


4) Get Started.

-Acknowledge God. Psalms 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” Think that you are having a private interview with the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to fix and focus our minds upon Him. Adriane Rodgers taught to lift your hands in the air, look to heaven and say, “Lord, I praise you,” then “Lord, I surrender to you,” then “Lord, I receive”.-Get into the Word. Begin to read before you begin your prayer. It is more important that you hear from God than He hear from you. It is best to have a plan. Read Old Testament, New Testament, Psalm and Proverbs. The Psalms teach us to worship. With Proverbs you gain wisdom.

-Meditate on the Word. This means we do not rush through our reading. It is better to focus on fewer verses than to read with our mind in neutral. Questions to ask:

a.    Is there a command to obey?
b.    Is there a promise to claim?
c.    Is there a sin to avoid?
d.    Is there a lesson to learn?
e.    Is there a new truth to carry with me?
-Record What God has taught you-Pray.

i)    Out loud when alone.
ii)    Utilizing your lists to keep you on track, (When minds wander this could be an attack from the evil one. Might be something that needs praying about).
iii)    Listen as well as speak.
iv)    Be balanced.
Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication
-Sing or listen to hymns or worship music.-Obey what you have learned.

-Share what you have learned

When you do these things, you life will become richer and fuller. The more you are in the presence of God, the more we will be transformed into His image, Definitely.
Rob Jackson
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