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You Can Do It!

Philippians 4:13 Introduction: I. I can do. What was Paul doing? a) Content with his circumstances (V. 12) Paul has learned the secret of contentment . . . he can be hungry, or well fed . . . he has learned to be content with much, or with little. He was rejoicing in all things […]

Worshiping the SAVIOR, Not a Celebrity

Matthew 28:16-20 The word Twitter has entered our vocabulary recently. With the Iranian protesters using Twitter as a means of telling their story in that troubled nation, millions of people have been exposed to the brutal reactions of the Iranian government. The authorities have been seen beating and, in some instances, killing those who have […]

Letting Go

Matthew 11:28-30 Subject: Evangelism, Salvation Step 1—Admit it, I’ve got a problem. Reality step. Step 2—Hope step—Not only am I powerless but God has power and He is willing to help out. He knows my problems and cares about my problems and cares about me. He knows everything going on in my life. He’s offering […]