The Kingdom Focused Church – Exposing
Matthew 16:18-19 / Matthew 28:18-20 – Have you ever taken a picture, taken it to be developed, and it came back “out of focus?” Do you remember your frustration? And do you remember that your frustration was controlled somewhat by basically two factors; how personal the picture and the cost of the picture. For instance, […]
A Message from the Master Broadcaster
Matthew 13:1-23 Introduction Broadcasting is the communication of a message through various forms of media. You might find it interesting to note broadcasting took place years before radio and television. In fact, the concept of broadcasting has an agricultural meaning. According to one dictionary the term “broadcast” can mean “To sow (seed) over a wide […]
Worshiping the SAVIOR, Not a Celebrity
Matthew 28:16-20 The word Twitter has entered our vocabulary recently. With the Iranian protesters using Twitter as a means of telling their story in that troubled nation, millions of people have been exposed to the brutal reactions of the Iranian government. The authorities have been seen beating and, in some instances, killing those who have […]
The Gospel in Red, White and Blue
Isaiah 1:18 About once in a decade our nation’s birthday, July the 4th, coincides with the Lord’s Day. On those special Sundays, Independence Day is known in some circles as “Red, White and Blue Sunday.” The best remembered was in 1976, the 200th birthday of the USA.Regardless of the day, July the Fourth is a […]
God Bless America
Genesis 12:1-3 Introduction Dr. Ron Herrod was unaware that I would preach this message. Interestingly, yesterday he sent a brief message that could serve as its thesis. He writes: “GOD BLESS AMERICA AS WE CELEBRATE 235 YEARS OF FREEDOM” May you and your family enjoy a blessed day of celebration for the freedom given to […]
A Study of 1 Thessalonians
1 Thessalonians I. Thessalonica A. History 1) Cassander, a former general of Alexander the Great and later king of Macedonia, founded the city in 315 BC and named it after his wife, the half sister of Alexander. 2) 167 BC it was captured by the Romans and named the capital of one of their four […]
Who’s Missing? Whose Mission?
Text: Matthew 22:1-14 Introduction All are invited; only some accept. The kingdom of heaven is compared to a wedding feast to which everyone is invited. Only those responding to Christ’s invitation may participate (Romans 10:13). Those who have trusted Christ are assured of eternal life in heaven (John 3:16). Who’s Missing? Those who have an opportunity […]
Becoming a Missional Church
Acts 1:6-8 Billy Graham is a name most everyone knows. Today, his name carries a note of authority, authenticity, and integrity. What you may not know or do not remember is that Dr. Graham was not always popular. The story is told about him being scheduled for a meeting in one community and one of the […]
Why This Building?
Let me tell you my vision for FBC. I want the presence of the Holy Spirit powerfully felt here. I want worship that suspends time… So that we don’t care how long we’ve been here or leave. I want God to save people daily because members are living holy lives & sharing Christ. I want to have as many in […]