Lessons From Nehemiah

1) God gives us much more than we deserve, (Nehemiah 9:7-25).

Solomon says there is nothing new under the sun. Humans have not changed. In spite of our sinfulness, God has been good to you and me. The question I have often heard is, “If God is good, why has He allowed this bad thing to happen to me?” That is the incorrect question. The question is, “Knowing my rebellious heart, why has He done anything good for me?”

The Israelites got much more than they ever deserved. The same is true for you and me.

2) There are consequences for sin, (Nehemiah 9:26-27).

Eventually, we will be held accountable for our sins.

A) God will make things right with those who have wronged you.This is good news for those of you who want retribution against someone who has done something against you or to harm you, Hebrews 10:30-31.

B) Our “putting the law to our back” or not focusing on Him also results in punishment and consequences of our sin.

3) When we return to God, He returns to us, (Nehemiah 9:27-28).

God comes to us and rescues us, yet the consequences are still there. David sinned against God with Bathsheba. Then he sinned by killing her husband. Then he sinned by not addressing the sinful conduct of one of his sons. Absalom, my son, my son. Do not blame God for consequences of sin.

4) Never give up, (Nehemiah 9:31).

In building the walls there were many times the people could give up. We must not give up! (Hebrews 10:36).

5) God demands our best, (Nehemiah 10:35).

The people were to do their best work. They were to give their best to God. Tithe of their resources and a tithe of their people, (Nehemiah 11:1).

 36,000 unchurched people in this area, (includes Priceville and Hartselle).

 Why don’t we pray for only a tithe of these to be sent to Central?

6) Apart from the Holy Spirit, we will continually go astray, (Nehemiah 13:4-5, Nehemiah 13:10-12, Nehemiah 13:15-17, Nehemiah 13:23-24, Nehemiah 13:28).

We are different, though. We can overcome and be changed.

Rob Jackson
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