How to Have a Meaningful Quiet Time
Luke 5:15-16 Quiet Time is a specific time of the day set aside for the purpose of fellowshipping with God. Christianity is a love relationship.
Luke 5:15-16 Quiet Time is a specific time of the day set aside for the purpose of fellowshipping with God. Christianity is a love relationship.
Isaiah 1:18 About once in a decade our nation’s birthday, July the 4th, coincides with the Lord’s Day. On those special Sundays, Independence Day is
2 Samuel 9 Remember, much of what we see in the OT is a foreshadowing of the coming of Christ. David, who the Messiah will
Genesis 12:1-3 Introduction Dr. Ron Herrod was unaware that I would preach this message. Interestingly, yesterday he sent a brief message that could serve as
Philippians 4:6-7 When the news first came that Pearl Harbor had been bombed [World Trade Center had been destroyed], what did you feel? I know
Psalms 26:2 Introduction “Mary loved church, but her sister didn’t. Mary said, ‘Let’s play church.’ ‘All right,’ said her sister, ‘but let’s play I’m absent.’
Psalms 86:11 Introduction Someone wrote Billy Graham with the following question: Q: “I’m new at going to church, so I apologize if my question is
Matthew 14:22-32 Introduction: Sin has begun to dominate our society. We as Christians are allowing it to dominate us as well. We are becoming callused
Jonah 1:1-17 I. Love unlovely: God accomplishes His will . . . sometimes this is not what we as selfish humans desire, (Jonah 1:1, Jonah 4:2). He
Introduction: Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe shared the following in a message titled “The First Government” in a series called “Back to Our Beginnings”. Dr. Wiersbe