2 Timothy 4 There are some things that you cannot put off . . . you must do it right away or lose your opportunity.
Amos 5:1-27 Proposition: Amos gives us instruction regarding what God requires of people who return to Him. Introduction: Amos read the obituary of a disobedient
Amos 4:1-13 Two of life’s basic appointments – death and then the Judgment. Hebrews 9:27, “Just as man is destined to die and then the judgment.”God
Obadiah 1:15 Introduction: Echo principle. What you say will come back. Little boy in me. Few months ago, Abigail and I went into Cathedral Caverns
Acts 1:8-11 Introduction: A man bought a donkey from a preacher. The donkey was trained to go when you said “Hallelujah,” and stop when you said,
Revelation 21:5-7 Topic: The Lords Supper 5 Now, for the second time in the book, God himself is the speaker (cf. 1:8). From his throne
Matthew 28:18-20 “As many as three out of four people die in North America without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.”[1] Where do people go