God Of The Impossible
Hebrews 11:6 Hebrews 11:6 has become a Scripture I bring before you on a regular basis. The reason is because that verse is the foundation for accomplishing
Hebrews 11:6 Hebrews 11:6 has become a Scripture I bring before you on a regular basis. The reason is because that verse is the foundation for accomplishing
1 Corinthians 6:9 This is a unique and historic day for FBC. It is special for several reasons. First, we are calling today… “See The Need
Haggai 1:2-13 What is the most important aspect of the process we are now going through in preparation to build? Turn to Haggai 1 and let’s read
Let me tell you my vision for FBC. I want the presence of the Holy Spirit powerfully felt here. I want worship that suspends time… So that