In a nation and world filled with division and strife, I am more than ever thankful for the unity we have in Christ Jesus and the joy of cooperation as the Kingdom is furthered.
I am also grateful for my Alabama Baptist family. Since 1823, we have been joining hands not only to attempt great things for God but to expect great things from God.
Furthermore, in 1925 God led Southern Baptists to enhance our missions abilities by our giving through the Cooperative Program (CP). We can do much more together than any of us can accomplish on our own.
On a personal level, I have witnessed the power of Baptists working synergistically together through CP. My dad and mom were blessed to graduate from one of our Baptist schools, partly because of those who gave through CP.
As a boy, I was amazed at how my dad and his friends could afford theological training. Most of the churches they served were small. Again, education in one of our Baptist seminaries is affordable because of churches and individuals who give through CP.
The first significant hurricane I remember as a child was Hurricane Camille. It was devastating.
As our church scrambled to do what we could, we were proud that Southern Baptists took the lead in the relief effort.
Since then, there has been disaster after disaster that the churches I served have looked to help. Each one is met with yellow-shirted men and women serving God through the beauty of the Cooperative Program.
Furthermore, I must thank you for my education. Because of your giving through CP, I received help attending Samford University and then Southern Seminary.
After seminary, I was thrilled to serve Alabama Baptists in the Office of Evangelism. I was called by Alabama Baptists and supported financially as you gave through CP.
Later, as a pastor in North Alabama, CP giving afforded our church help from the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions in areas such as writing bylaws, conflict resolution, fundraising, restructuring the church, mission trips, evangelism strategies, relocation, starting a new Spanish-speaking work, church planting, and on and on.
All these services were supplied to our church because of the genius of giving through CP. What we as Baptists are doing around Alabama is impressive. Thank you.
I also had the privilege of serving as a trustee of the IMB. In this position, I was able to see the joy of a church planting movement among unreached peoples. People from every tongue, tribe and nation are repenting and believing the Good News.
We have unprecedented opportunities for our missionaries to reach the uttermost parts of the earth. How is this possible? Again, your giving through CP.
Recently, I accepted the call as director of the Office of Church Health for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions.
My prayer is to come alongside associations, churches, pastors and members to help healthy churches become healthier – and unhealthy churches to become healthy.
Furthermore, I look forward to working with you as we long for and pray for spiritual renewal in our churches and our land.
Please contact me. I would love to pray with you and walk alongside you as we strive to turn our community, state, nation and the world upside down with the Gospel.
What does this coaching/consultation cost your church? Nothing. The State Board of Missions is a ministry provided by your giving through the Cooperative Program.
As you can see, my life has been touched by many of you as you have participated through CP.
I am convinced that as Alabama Baptists remain united in the Gospel and continue to give towards a greater cause the possibilities are limitless. May God alone receive all the glory!
State Missionary Rob Jackson may be contacted at 1-800-264-1225, ext. 2343, or (334) 613-2343, [email protected].
Church revitalization is a ministry that is also supported by your gifts to Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering, This article was originally published at
He has served as Pastor of Antioch Baptist Church in Double Springs, AL, Associate Pastor at Buck Run Baptist Church in Frankfort, KY, Evangelism Associate for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, and an Adjunct Professor for New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
- Why I Believe in the Cooperative Program - August 31, 2021
- Why Move? - January 8, 2014
- You Can Do It! - January 8, 2014