The Topic

The parables of Jesus regarding the kingdom of God.

The Associational Clinic
2014 Doctrine Study

This clinic will provide an overview of the 2014 doctrine study resource, Subversive Kingdom: Lessons in Rebellion from the Parables of Jesus, written by Ed Stetzer and ideas for leading the study in the church. The association plans the clinic and provides the teacher/leader. The Office of Sunday School & Discipleship provides a copy of the doctrine study book FREE to each pastor/teacher who attends.
Associational Clinic Contact: Nancy Henderson [email protected]

The Resources
Subversive Kingdom: Lessons in Rebellion from the Parables of Jesus
Subversive Kingdom is a six-session Bible study that includes teaching from Dr. Ed Stetzer. It will enable a Bible study group to dive deeply into the parables of Jesus regarding the kingdom, and encounter the hope and challenge of the kingdom of God and be pushed outward to further God’s kingdom in the world. Throughout all time, God has been establishing His kingdom on earth. The kingdom of God is advancing even now, and yet much confusion remains regarding it.
Subversive Kingdom: Lessons in Rebellion from the Parables of Jesus – Leader Kit written by Ed Stetzer. Kit Includes: 1 DVD (with introduction and video of the author teaching) and 1 Member Book with leader guide.



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