Searching For The Ends of the Earth

John 4:35


In Acts 1:8, Jesus instructs His followers to be witnesses to the ends of the earth. Jesus wants us to see that every village and city, every hamlet and home, hears of His saving grace. Our witness is to reach from the end of our nose to the ends of the earth. In discovering what Jesus wants us to do and how, listen to Him as He instructed His disciples and in turn commands us.
  1. Jesus wants us to be free
    • Now is the time to harvest lost souls
    • Escape the trap of procrastination
  2. Jesus wants us to see
    • Stop, look and see the need
    • Mission fields span the globe
  3. Jesus wants us to be
    • New missionaries are needed
    • Are you willing to answer the call?


Then, now and until He returns, Jesus is looking for people who will be available, faithful, supportive, prayerful and involved to reach the ends of the earth with the Gospel. He is not only looking for those willing to go, but also those willing to give sacrificially to send them. He is looking for you.
Jim Futral
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